
professional engineered separation technologies
g50b-2 model rasta style of feather vane inlet device.    g50b-2型rasta式样之羽叶分离总成

inlet devices have been required to be mounted at the end of inlet pipes and close to the shell inside walls of separators, filters, coalescers and their combined equipment. the inlet devices are always regarded as the preliminary separation internals to separate the objective matters, for example, big sizes of droplets, slugs and even the block of liquid, and meanwhile make the energy of motion and momentum of quantities of flow micro-elements homogenized, in order to ensure the next internals in the downstream stage to run well under the given operating conditions which requiring the liquid loading in the gas less than 5% after the inlet devices.

novel provides the customers several sorts of latest and novel inlet devices with excellent functions as the following,

➣ g50b-2 model rasta style of feather vane inlet device. it is of the upgrade technical generation of schoepentoeter style with numbers of small attachments added on the backs of the original big elbowed feather vane pins to improve the flow properties and separating efficiency.

g50b-2型rasta式样之羽叶分离总成, 其为schoepentoeter式样入口分离总成之技术升级版,其在多列简易牛角形弯制的大型翅羽叶后背,增加同等数量的次级动量分配和放射状稳定型附件,以进一步改善流体流态特性并提升分离效率。

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