weak chemical market and sharper competition required plants technical revamping 市场疲软和竞争激烈催生技术升级改造 -ag九游会官网发表时间:2019-01-25 00:00 under the background of weak needs of petrolchemical and coal chemical products and sharper competition in the market, more and more companies or plants have been forced to upgrade their conventional process technologies and equipment to win the advantages of lower costs of operation and maintenance. almost same moment in the last week this month, four fine chemical and coal chemical plants have submitted novel china the application letters to ask for the technical solution to revamp their conventional mesh pad type methanol separators, ammonia separators and coking gas separators with novel generation 5 vane type gas-liquid separator. 在目前石化和煤化工产品需求疲软和市场竞争更趋激烈的大背景下,越来越多的公司和工厂被迫对传统工艺技术设备进行技术升级以赢取低运行成本和维护成本优势。在本月的最后一周几乎同一时刻,4家精细化工和煤化工企业向novel中国提出申请,要求novel针对其原来采用的丝网式甲醇分离器、氨分离器、焦炉气分离器等设备,寻求novel第五代羽叶气液分离专利优势技术升级方案。