patents with feather vane steam gas separator in mvr joined novel patents group 蒸发器含盐蒸汽专用羽叶分离器专利获颁 -ag九游会官网发表时间:2019-01-25 00:00 专利“采用羽叶分离技术的蒸发器二次蒸汽分离装置”获得专利授权 one new member of patent with name of with feather vane internals equiped steam gas separator in mvr has been granted to novel energy technologies by national patent office in oct, 2018. 2018年10月,国家专利局向novel公司授权“采用羽叶分离技术的蒸发器二次蒸汽分离装置”专利。 with application of the above mentioned patent, the performance efficiency of mists with salts contained against steam gas flow in mvr should have been improved onto much higher level. 采用上述专利技术,从蒸发器二次蒸汽流中分离脱除含盐液沫分离效率将提升到更高技术水平。